Natural News – The key mission of Natural News is to empower consumers with factual information about the synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, hormone disruptors and other chemicals found in foods, medicines, personal care products, children’s toys and other items.
Natural Society – It is hard to keep up with all of the latest health news that affects you and your family on a daily basis — that’s why NaturalSociety has been created. Find a horror story in dealing with the current medical establishment and get success through using natural alternatives that doctors said would never work.
Care 2 – Care2 was created in 1998. The idea is simple: Make it easy for everyone to live a healthy, green lifestyle and impact the causes they care about most.
Eating Well – a fast-growing communications company producing an award-winning national consumer magazine, high-quality food- and nutrition-related books, a content-rich website, e-mail newsletters, etc. The mission is to provide the inspiration and information people need to make healthy eating a way of life.
Womenio – a website for women, by women, the best advice on proper hair care, skin care routines, fitness and all-around physical and mental wellness.
Healthy and Natural World – The website was created by Jenny to bring information that will improve health and well-being naturally. For everyone who is interested in natural health and remedies, holistic nutrition, natural beauty care and anything that can enhance the way we live using natural sources.
My Healthy Living Coach – gives you one place you can go to get information about nutrition, exercise, beauty, wellness, personal care, parenting, happiness and so much more.
Seven Seas – is the number-one supplier of branded vitamins, minerals and supplements in the UK, and is also sold in more than 100 countries worldwide.