Neuropathy And Diabetes

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Neuropathy And Diabetes

Diabetes is a very common disease in the US, approximately 9.4% of the entire US population has diabetes and sadly, a lot of people do not take it as a serious disease. Diabetes is a progressive illness that seems pretty minor in the beginning but it steadily ruins one’s health and entire lifestyle if not kept under control. Advanced cases of diabetes often lead to the formation of another equally debilitating condition; neuropathy, a condition that is caused by your nerves becoming weakened or damaged. Neuropathy is quite common throughout the world and is usually associated with diabetes due to the fact that around 60-70% advanced cases of diabetes lead to neuropathy.

Despite being a common ailment, not much is known about neuropathy amongst the general public and this ignorance makes it even harder to treat this condition. Diabetic patients with extremely high blood sugar levels and inflammation in the body end up with neuropathy because the nerves in their peripheral nervous system become weakened or sustain damage due to inflammation in the body. Once they become damaged, they begin transmitting false signals that result in the affected are of the body experiencing sensations such as pain, tingling, numbness and burning.

The peripheral nervous system is made up of our sensory nerves, motor nerves, and autonomic nerves, so when someone gets a case of neuropathy, they can experience a malfunctioning of their sensory nerves which results in them feeling random sensations, or their motor functions can become compromised. If the autonomic nerves become damaged then one can face complications with their digestion, heart rate and other involuntary actions that the body carries out. Regardless of what sort of neuropathy one experiences, they need to find a way to effectively treat it, otherwise life becomes very hard.

Just like diabetes, neuropathy is progressive, the damaged area continues to worsen if left untreated, but fortunately, neuropathy is curable, there are various ways through which the effects of nerve damage can be lessened and even completely erased. People who have gotten neuropathy from diabetes usually experience diffuse neuropathy; a form of neuropathy that randomly effects different areas of the body. In order to treat it, they must regulate their blood glucose levels, preventing them from getting too high ensures that the damage to their nerves does not progress.

Physical exercise and intake of vitamins and certain nutrients is also recommended in order to heal damaged nerves and keep your nervous system healthy overall. Regular exercise and diet management is also recommended to people who have not experienced neuropathy yet but are diabetic as it minimizes the chances of their nervous system becoming damaged in the future.
As for the prevention of neuropathy, diabetic patients who manage to maintain their blood sugar remain safe from diabetic neuropathy, basically, as long as you keep your diabetes under check, you should not have to worry about becoming afflicted with neuropathy. One of the biggest reasons why diabetic patients end up getting neuropathic is negligence; many people are unaware of the fact that neuropathy can be a diabetic complication and therefore they do not take any measures to prevent it until it is too late.

If you want to learn more about neuropathy and want to make sure that you practice proper preventive care then visit, this website is one of the best sources of information on neuropathy on the internet. You can read about all forms of neuropathy here and learn what can be done to prevent this disease and treating it. Through care and effort, even the worst forms of neuropathy can be treated.

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