The benefits of dairy products

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dairy products benefit almost all spheres of human activity. They are known to be very useful for:

  • bones and teeth; (due to the content of calcium)
  • improving the tone of the entire body;
  • functioning of the nervous system;
  • vessels;
  • the digestive system;
  • neutralizing toxic substances and even radiation (that is why milk is given to workers in hazardous workplaces).

Calcium, found in large quantities in milk is responsible for the formation of collagen, the material that provides elasticity and firmness for the skin.
Potassium, which is also present in milk and dairy products is beneficial for the cardiovascular system and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Milk and dairy products also contain vitamins B1, B2, D, which increase muscle tone.
Dairy products contain a sufficient amount of animal protein. Of course, the proteins can be obtained from other foods, such as meat or eggs, but replacement of milk protein with other prtoteins is not always recommended, as it can greatly reduce digestibility.
Full benefit from dairy products can be obtained, if they are made of natural products and free of preservatives, stabilizers and flavor enhancers.
Food packaging equipment plays a great part in the production of dairy products. It helps to reduce the operating costs and optimize the productivity.
Synerlink fillers and FFS lines for yogurt production offer ultra-clean design and easy-to-clean features. They are optimized to produce Extended Shelf Life products.  Dairy products line helps to produce a great variety of dairy products such as: cottage cheese, quark, petit-suisse, cream cheese, jams, stirred yogurt with fruit pieces and aroma, set yogurt, and many other products.
It’s worth noting about a so called Form Fill Seal machine or FFS machine. That equipment  used for packaging can form, fill and seal a package on the same facility. Today there is a wide range of FFS machines available across numerous markets. They are employed in many niches such as: food, drinks, pharmaceuticals, medical, chemical, tobacco, stationary, electronics, and cosmetics.

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