What’s Hot: Restaurant Trends 2014

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Restaurant trends 2014

The US National Restaurant Association (NRA) identified restaurant trends for 2014, publishing its annual survey, in which 1300 professional chefs and members of the American Culinary Federation took part. As a result the following 10 food trends were revealed:

1. Meat and fish products from local producers

2. Vegetables, fruits and herbs from local producers

3. The use of products the production of which does not harm the environment, or environmental sustainability

4. Healthy children’s foods

5. Gluten-free diet, ie the use of products that do not contain gluten (the annoying gluten-free hysteria goes on)

6. Hyperlocal supply, for example, own garden, a vegetable garden, and similar places created at cafes or restaurants

7. Reducing of portions to increase the availability of natural food

8. Pasta and noodles without wheat (e.g. buckwheat, rice, quinoa)

9. Revival of ancient grains (e.g. amaranth, spelt, kamut)

10. So-called brand products should appear under the brand name of a farmer or farm

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