The Best Natural Ways To Treat Hair Loss

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natural remedies for hair loss

Hair loss is not fatal but it is a serious problem. It can have such a huge effect on quality of life that it can literally make you miserable.

Hair loss affects your sense of self. It affects self-confidence and may even lead to depression. It can interfere with social interactions and can lead to loss of productivity.

The worst part is that anyone can suffer from hair loss problems. Even men in their early 20s can experience it. Women experience it.

There’s no need to worry if you see a lot of hair strands on your pillow. Everyone loses hair at an average of 60-100 strands per day. But if you are losing more than that, you need to pay attention to the state of your hair – and your health in general.

Too much hair fall can be a symptom of underlying problems. It may be because of hormonal imbalance, accelerated aging, genetic, stress, or side effect of medications. If this remains unchecked, hair fall can lead to baldness.

There are many solutions to hair fall problems and you’d be glad to know that some of the solutions can be found on your local market.

Natural Hair Loss Treatments Backed By Science

The top alternative methods to treat hair loss are capsaicin, soy isoflavones, carnitine and raspberry ketones. These have been studied for years and have yielded positive results.

A few of these substances promote the release the CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) – an amino acid which is believed to have a positive effect on hair growth.

Chili Pepper And Soy (Capsaicin and Isoflavones)

Studies have found that capsaicin and soy isoflavones make a potent combination. The combination has a positive impact on the growth factor IGF-1 or insulin-like growth factor-1, a well-known hair-growing substance.

These substances increase IGF-1 levels in the part of the skin where the hair follicles are located.

Capsaicin and soy isoflavones are taken orally or applied topically. Participants in studies on these compounds experienced an average 88% increase in rate of hair growth.

In the study, the amounts used are within realistic daily intake. Daily capsaicin dose used in the study was 6 mg per day. Isoflavone dosage was at 75 mg per day. These dosages produced positive effects on hair growth.

Isoflavones help hair grow in another way as well. They activate the molecule PGE-2 (prostaglandin-E2) and inhibit the up-regulation of the molecule NF-kB. Both of these actions suppress the programmed cell death within the hair follicles. They slow down the aging of the hair follicles. This will mean reduced rate of hair fall.

It isn’t that hard to get that much capsaicin and isoflavones daily. Common sources of capsaicin, i.e., red pepper, cayenne and chili peppers contain 0.1 to 60 mg capsaicin per gram. One tablespoon of hot pepper weighs 8 grams. Thus, one tablespoon a day can give you 0.8 mg to 480 mg of capsaicin. The amount of capsaicin varies among the different types of hot peppers. Hotter peppers usually contain more capsaicin.

The best natural source of isoflavones is soybean. About 200 mg of isoflavones is present in 100 grams of soybeans. Tofu, a soybean product, is a good source of isoflavone (35 mg per 100 grams of tofu).

Soymilk can be a source of isoflavone, but contains smaller amounts compared to soy beans and tofu (around 9 mg per 100 grams).

To get the daily 75 mg of isoflavones to boost hair growth, you will have to eat 40 grams (dry weight) of soybeans, about 200 grams of tofu, or about a liter of soymilk.

There is a much easier way to get these dosages of capsaicin and isoflavones — through high quality supplements.

Raspberry Ketones

This molecule also stimulates the expression of IGF-1. Rat laboratory studies demonstrated that raspberry ketones can promote hair regrowth in 4 weeks.

In addition, studies show that these molecules were able to promote hair growth in humans suffering from alopecia after 5 months of continued use.

The effect of raspberry ketones is more on sensory stimulation. It helps increase IGF-1 levels in the skin by acting on sensory nerves.


The body naturally produces this amino acid. Its main function is to convert body fat into usable energy. Recent studies found there is more to carnitine than just fat burning.

The fat burning process stimulated by carnitine is effective because of a form of increase in local  active energy metabolism. This process is a prerequisite for sustained healthy growth of hair.

One study was able to determine the action of L-carnitine on the cell membranes of hair follicles. This molecule stimulates the production of energy within the hair follicles. It also stimulates cardiolipin synthesis. These help in transporting more nutrients to the dysfunctional potassium channels within cell membranes of the hair follicles. This action aids in restoring the functionality of the hair follicles.

This simply means that L-carnitine helps in restoring the normal function of the hair follicles. This results in reduced hair fall and improved hair growth.

Other natural hair growth enhancers

Aside from the compounds previously discussed, there are a few more natural ways to treat hair loss: source. We recommend combining one of the above mentioned treatments and a good shampoo, along with any of the following:

Hair oil massage

The oil used should have properties that support better hair health. Massaging helps to promote better blood circulation to the scalp. Blood brings with it nutrients that the hair follicles need in order to stay healthy and bring forth healthy, strong hair strands.

Massage also promotes relaxation that can reduce stress. Hair loss is also affected by high levels of stress.

The oils used should also have supportive effects on hair health. Essential oils for hair health include:

  • Almond oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Amla oil
  • Castor oil
  • Olive oil
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Argan oil
  • Emu oil
  • Mustard oil
  • Jojoba oil

Massage any of these oils on the scalp daily. Leave for an hour or overnight then rinse thoroughly. Proper application will maximize the benefits for improved hair health.


Treat hair loss with vegetables that are high in silicon such as cucumbers, peppers and potatoes. The skin of these vegetables contains the largest concentration of silicon. Rub the peel over thinning or bald areas several times each day.

Silicon promotes better hair health. This compound strengthens the hair and the nails. Higher levels can help prevent the development of the hair loss condition called alopecia areata or pattern baldness.


Another important nutrient that can help with hair loss is iodine. This is found in greater amounts in sea vegetables such as wakame, kombu, dulse, nori and kelp.

Adding these sea vegetables in the diet can help in addressing under active thyroid glands or hypothyroidism which contributes to hair thinning. It is best to work with a physician to better address this condition though. More serious things can happen if you have this condition.


The glory of your hair can be restored naturally with these compounds. With proper and regular use, you will soon see a difference. You have lesser hair fall and hair grows more robust. Take action now before all is lost.

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