How Much Protein Needs to be Included In Your Keto Diet?

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How Much Protein Needs to be Included In Your Keto Diet?

You may have heard of the health benefits and weight loss you can experience by changing to a keto diet. In case you haven’t, the basic idea is that instead of using carbs as your main energy source, you use ketones. These are created by your liver from fat stored in your body, but only if you get rid of most of the carbs from what you are eating. Changing the way you eat is the most natural way to lose weight and enjoy all the health benefits of being fitter.

Every diet should include a small quantity of carbs, some protein, vitamins, and fats. What are the proportions though, so that you know your body is making and using ketones?

How Much Protein?

You should start by getting as much protein as you can from natural sources such as eggs, nuts, and meat. However, about 20% of your ketone diet should be protein and you are unlikely to achieve that with these foods alone. Help is at hand though in the form of protein powders, but you do need to make sure they are keto–friendly, or they could undo all the good you are doing with the rest of the diet.

How Much Carbs?

The carbohydrates in your diet should be no more than 5% or about 50 grams at the most. Most of these will occur naturally in other foods, so keep away from the cakes, cookies, potatoes and any other food that is high in carbs. Some people are not able to reduce the amount of carbs they eat instantly, and that is OK. Spread the reduction over a few weeks if that makes it easier for you to cope with.

For some, suddenly not being able to eat rice, wheat, corn, or grains can be very difficult, but very tasty meals can be made without any of them.

How Much Fat?

The largest part of your keto diet will be fat, about 75%. That might sound a lot, but it is easily achievable by doing things like roasting your vegetables, only using full-fat milk, and drizzling olive oil over a salad. These are just three suggestions; there are many ways to introduce the fats into your diet that will enhance the flavors and make the food more appetizing.

Are All Fruit And Veg OK For A Ketone Diet?

The answer to that question is no. Potatoes and sweet potatoes both have far too many carbohydrates and, in fact, the ones with the lowest amount of carbs are the green leafy vegetables that grow above ground. Sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli are perfect examples of low-carb vegetables.

Some fruits have a very high sugar content such as grapes and bananas. It is best to stick to berries if possible, and avocado is good as well. Diabetics, who have to watch their blood sugar levels, are advised to be very careful with the amounts of certain fruits they eat, and the same applies when you start a ketone diet.

For years we have done the wrong thing by sugars as energy boosters, but it is never too late to put things right by starting a keto diet.

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