Tips To Healthy Teeth Cleaning and Natural Remedies That Could Help

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Tips To Healthy Teeth Cleaning and Natural Remedies That Could Help

Your teeth play a very big role in your life. It can affect your self-confidence and image. If you have shiny and white teeth, you’ll be confident to smile more often, which makes socializing easy for you. And when you’re confident about yourself and your image, you’ll be able to create relationships with other people and do more in life. But with unhealthy food choices, erratic schedule and poor hygiene routines, keeping your teeth clean and healthy can become a challenge. Most often than not, you’ll be tempted to skip brushing your teeth because you still have a lot on your plate during the day. And if you’re fond of eating out with friends or colleagues, you’ll have more reasons not to brush your teeth – bringing your own toothbrush and toothpaste in public areas isn’t a common practice, right?

If you don’t take care of your teeth, you’ll end up suffering from oral diseases which will need the help of professional services. This kind of situation will demand more time and money from you. Fortunately, there are natural remedies which can keep your teeth healthy and clean namely:

Brush after eating and drinking: This is the easiest tip in the book. If you want your pearly whites to look good all the time, brush after eating and drinking. If you’re staying at home most of the time, brush your teeth after every meal. If you’re usually out and about, don’t forget to bring your own personal hygiene kit (complete with your toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss) so you can still do the same even when you’re outdoors. Doing this might seem new, but if it’s for your teeth, it’s worth the change. You can always excuse yourself and visit the bathroom to do your business.

Baking soda and Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen Peroxide is a great antibacterial agent which cleans your mouth and gum while keeping it free from germs. You can use this so you can create your own mouthwash that’s chemical-free. Just mix the same amount of water and Hydrogen Peroxide in a container, and you’re good to go. Swish this solution around your mouth for one minute and then rinse. You can use this as often as you want to, even when you’re out.

Aside from the mouthwash, Hydrogen Peroxide can also be used as a paste to remove plaque from teeth. Mix a small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide with baking soda and leave this on your teeth for a couple of minutes. Rinse afterward.

Coconut oil pulling: Every part of the coconut tree is useful. You can get food, shelter and even clothing from this tree. But just when you thought you know everything about coconut trees, the idea of coconut oil pulling for your teeth comes along. If you have coconut oil in your cupboard, scoop a spoonful and use it as your mouthwash for 20 minutes. You can also add coconut oil in your toothbrush and brush it on, just like your usual brushing routine. If none of these are appealing to you, pour coconut oil in a clean washcloth and rub it directly on your teeth. Coconut oil can be a natural teeth whitener and it has antibacterial properties.

Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar can do wonders for your health – and your teeth are no exemption. ACV is a natural antibiotic and teeth cleanser, which can remove stains on your teeth. If you’re planning to use this tip, dip your finger in ACV and rub it on your teeth. Leave the solution on your teeth for one minute and rinse your mouth with water or Hydrogen Peroxide. However, if you want this tip to work, you should be able to use this regularly for at least a month. You shouldn’t also use ACV too hard or in a large amount as this can remove the enamel in your teeth.

Tips To Healthy Teeth Cleaning and Natural Remedies That Could HelpLemon and orange peels: Starting today, you should think twice about throwing your lemon and orange peels. These can still be used to whiten your teeth. Similar to the compounds found in ACV, lemon and orange peels can also whiten your teeth. Just scrub the peels (inner skin facing the teeth, of course) to your teeth and leave it there for a minute. Once done, rinse with water or Hydrogen Peroxide. But just like ACV, don’t leave the peels too long on your teeth as your enamel can wear out.

Strawberries: It might be uncommon, but many people are starting to believe that strawberries can actually improve the color of your teeth. Who would have thought, right? If you have spare strawberries in your fridge, mash about four to five pieces in a bowl, rub the mixture on your teeth, and rinse afterward. Strawberries can whiten your teeth because it contains antioxidants and compounds which can benefit the overall health of your teeth. Use this strawberry mixture regularly, and it won’t be long before you’ll see a cleaner, whiter and shinier pair of teeth!

Healthy diet: You can have everything in life when you maintain a healthy diet. And yes, it can also contribute to making your teeth clean and healthy. Instead of eating fast food all the time, opt for something healthier like apples, carrots, and celeries. These foods are abrasive and sharp and will rub against your teeth without adversely affecting its enamel. Every time you chew foods like these, your teeth are actually being cleaned. Additionally, you should also consume milk-based products such as butter, ice cream, and cheese as these can increase the pH levels in your mouth, making your teeth shinier than usual. With a healthy diet, you’ll be taking care of your health while taking care of your teeth too.

Natural Is Better
Your teeth are important in more ways than one. Without them, you won’t be able to eat well which makes you more susceptible to common illnesses and diseases in the long run. Your teeth can also contribute to your general appearance. If you don’t take care of your teeth, you’ll suffer from oral diseases which can affect how you speak, meet responsibilities and even disrupt your sleep. With unhealthy teeth, you’ll be putting your general health at risk. Make sure you don’t experience any of these by pouring time and effort in keeping your teeth healthy and clean. And forget about paying for expensive tools because there are natural remedies on how you can do it – let this article show you how!

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