Home Workout Equipment to Shape Up Your Body

Reading Time: 8 minutes

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Toning and shaping up the body are just some of the highest priorities of both men and women nowadays. Toning your body does not only require you to lessen the number of calories you take up but also an intensive training in the gym or even at home. If you do not want to exercise in the gym, or you are too busy to hit any fitness facilities, you may start your fitness program at home. If you are not too familiar with the exercise tools you’ll be needing for your home gym; you may seek for help. Then, later on, you may choose the workout tools that give you the most band for your buck for the faster achievement of your body goal.
But with so many devices and machines to select, it is pretty hard to pinpoint which is the best for your home gym. However, by knowing your physical needs and personal limits, you can select the ideal equipment for your fitness goals. By toning and defining your body, you are enabling your body to become lean. Moreover, you are also reducing your body fat. Using an exercise tool to shape up your body helps you shed your fats while improving your muscles. Thus, we are going to provide you with the best home workout equipments for a toned and shaped up body.
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When purchasing equipment for your strength training routine, you need to know which parts of your body you are targeting. You need to correctly choose these devices because strength training may affect the muscles around your joints. It also affects their proper alignment and their functions. So, when you select the best strength training tools, you will be assured that your muscles at your joints will be balanced and healthy. Make sure that they may not promote any discomfort or pain when doing your exercise routine.

So, when doing some strength training routines, should you use machines or free weights? What types of strength training tools are you going to need for your home gym? You can use free weights, bands, and other machines as long as they provide efficiency and safety. Free weights are more affordable than machines. Thus, you should wisely choose them although they may be offered for discounted prices sometimes.

–    Aerobic Workout
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Executing your yoga poses is a perfect way to become more flexible. After your yoga sessions, you may start out some basic routines at home using some flexibility tools. You may get a good exercise mat to keep yourself stable in any form you do. If you think that a thinner yoga mat won’t help you, then try to purchase a thicker one. Additionally, you may put a rolled towel below your joints to provide more padding. And when using flexibility tools, you should make sure that you start with some gentle and straightforward movements. And gradually, you may increase your motions as you improve your strength, flexibility, and balance.

Essential Tips to Consider

Before performing some workout routines with the use of your workout equipment, you should always keep in mind these following tips and reminders:

– If you are just beginning your exercise routines with the use of your new workout tools, do them in short durations. You may also start at a low intensity at first. Then, as you build up your endurance and strength, try to adapt to the workouts and the tools gradually.

– Before you use the exercise equipment, you need to make sure that you position your body correctly. Then, make sure to maintain the proper posture and alignment.  The ideal placement may differ depending on the movements and the tools you are going to use. But generally, you may place your shoulders correctly. They must be level and in line with your hips. Then, your head must be upright. Your feet should point straight forward.

-As you workout at home, always remember that it is okay to exercise in just ten-minute intervals. You may add up to 30 minutes per day, five times a week using your chosen equipment.

– Set your goals early. It will help you perform slowly, yet the effective range of motions for around ten minutes, five times per week. You may choose any exercises that will help you shape up and tone your body. You may execute your selected activities with the use of any home workout equipment.

-When you are performing an exercise on a machine, ensure that you stay hydrated all through the activity. Drink as plenty water as you need.

The Best Home Exercise Tools

Here is the list of the top home workout equipment 2016 you may add in your home gym:

– Treadmill
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A treadmill helps in burning your total calories out of the many cardiovascular machines available on the market today. You may burn up to 100 calories every mile while briskly walking. Moreover, what’s even better is that a treadmill may adapt to a lot of various fitness levels. It can also help in shedding off some fats and toning your body through walking or running.

Resistance Bands
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Resistance bands are tube-like rubber bands with handles. They are more convenient to grip and positioned than the flat bands because they have handles on their ends. The bands have various resistance levels. A lot of them are color-coded depending on their resistance levels. So, you have to start with the lowest resistance level as you work your way up. To make sure that you are getting the most out of this tool, you need to complete 15 reps.

-Training Bags
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Training bags or punching bags for boxing, kickboxing, and other martial arts, or any other activities may vary in sizes, colours, and materials. The heavier the bag is, the more it provides resistance. However, the heavier the training bag is, the harder it is to execute the exercises. When it comes to selecting the right training bag, you need to know your fitness level. Also, you need to plan out the intensity of your workout routines. You must also consider the safety of your punching bags. You need a secured floor stand and a stable beam that won’t detach when you are working out.

– Ab Roller
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Buying an ab roller will help you make sure that you will work on your entire abdominal area, including your lower and upper abdomen, as well as your obliques. An ab roller is utilized to put emphasis on your whole abdominal section. Thus, it will define your abdominal muscles and strengthen the surrounding muscle groups.

-Free Weights
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To look for the best free weights, including barbells and dumbbells, you need to make sure that the handles have rubber grips. They should be slip-resistant and easy to grip. They must be easy to handle through your hands. Also, adjustable weights are very convenient to use. However, they may need a lot of fine motor motions, which may put your fingers, wrists, and hands at risk during your workouts.

Safety While Using Your Home Exercise Tools

Probably the most crucial aspect to consider in selecting the best exercise equipment is its level of security. You must make sure that your home gym can provide you with convenience and safety features that you may not observe in some commercial gyms. Your home workout machines and tools should have safety features in them for you not to harm yourself during your exercise routines. You should make sure that you adjust the components of your tools correctly, most especially the plates and the screws. If you need some help with the equipment, you should not hesitate to ask a fitness expert to enhance your safety.

Home Workout Equipment Maintenance Guidelines

-Cleaning the Workout Tools

Home gyms that will require quality needs some cleaning and organising. A gym should be mopped and wiped out occasionally to remove dust and sweat all over the area. You should also wipe out the cushions and the pads on the machines with mild detergent to remove sweat and dirt.

-Lubricating Some Exercise Equipment

For some tools that need lubricants, you should lubricate them once or twice every year using a Teflon-based lubricant. You may check the manual of a chosen product to know how to apply it on the surface of your devices correctly. Make sure that you read the manufacturer’s guidelines on proper handling and utilisation of the lubricant.

-Warranty of the Workout Tools

Nothing can go wrong if you only choose the best and the highest quality of equipment there is. Detaching parts and moving screws are very minimal issues. Thus, you need to purchase a home gym equipment that will come with a lifetime warranty.

-Motivation in Using the Home Gym Equipment

Even exercising at home requires a lot of effort and challenge. Thus, you need to focus and make sure that you execute a proper form. If you are doing your workout routines with the use of your exercise equipment, this should not be uncomfortable. Make sure that you know when you are going to use the training tools. For an extra feature, you may also add up a wall chart. Your home gym should have a wall chart in it. Why is that so? It is because some of your workouts may be quite complicated and difficult to execute. Thus, you need to make sure that you have written simple instructions and guidelines on your wall chart. Refer to the instructions and perform the workouts efficiently. Make sure that they all have any sense to them.

-Consult with a Fitness Expert

If anything goes wrong with your home exercise equipment or you don’t know how to use them properly, you may refer to a fitness expert. It is a very helpful way to get started quickly and accurately. You may ask him or her some questions, especially the use of the workout tools and how you can safely manipulate them. You may also ask how you are going to incorporate the exercise equipment to your workout routines.


As you engage yourself in regular activities at home, you can maintain and even improve your health and fitness. For busy mothers, entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and students, setting up a home gym is a sage move. Working out while staying at home is an excellent way to shape up your body while you enhance your overall well-being. But as you decide on purchasing some home exercise tools, you must first know your fitness goals and the features you need for your exercise routines. You see, your home may be the perfect place to build up your endurance and strength while shaping up your body.

author-jake-tylerAuthor Bio
From the age of 16, Jake Tyler has been a kickboxer, and has built up an incredible passion for fitness & self-improvement. This experience has led him to a career in personal training and health & fitness. He also likes to write about fitness at Strongdaily.net. Stay Connected to him on Tweeter and Pinterest.

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